Single nozzle control saves inputs with precision application

  • 07 April 2020
  • 1264
  •  Falcon Equipment
  •  news

The use of Single Nozzle Control is a technology that adds automation and precision to spraying. It relies on GPS technology for mapping and tracking and then computer-driven valves control the flow of the chemicals.

The technology works using a map of the field with an outline of the area to be sprayed and areas that aren’t sprayed. The computer controls the flow of each spray nozzle as it passes over the field. Essentially the system will interrupt the chemical flow to those nozzles that have been designated as areas where chemicals are not to be applied. Similarly, it will terminate the flow of nozzles that are in an overlap area that has previously been sprayed. Single Nozzle Control technology allows increased control over the length of the spray boom from several sections, effectively allowing variable-rate application (VRA) on the basis of an individual nozzle’s spray pattern.

Single Nozzle Control technology overcomes an additional concern from traditional methods, especially when spraying while turning. The nozzles on the outside of the turn pass over the crop much faster than those on the inside of the turn causing significant under-application on the outside, and just as significant over-application on the inside of turn.

Chemical savings from reducing these overlaps can be significant. Advanced systems also allow for the instant on-and-off action of individual nozzles. The system eliminates the lag time it takes for pressure to drop (and build up again) which is common with traditional methods.

AmaSelect from AMAZONE – the ultimate solution in Single Nozzle Control technology

The AmaSelect electric individual nozzle control from AMAZONE, the leaders in German innovation, features all of these capabilities and more. AMAZONE offers a system where automatic headland and 50 cm part-width section control is possible through the switching on of any individual nozzle (known as GPS Switch).

AmaSelect consists of a 4-way quad nozzle carrier with electric switch-over as well as on/off switching. Via the input of the optimum pressure range of each individual nozzle within the 4-fold nozzle carrier, the system automatically switches the nozzles according to set specifications. This offers the possibility, for instance, when leaving the optimum pressure range of a nozzle to switch on a second nozzle or to changeover to a larger nozzle. It’s also possible, if preferred, to freely configure any number of part-width sections with any number of nozzles. 

As an option, the AmaSelect nozzle carriers can be equipped for 25 cm nozzle spacing via an extension kit. In conjunction with special 80° nozzles, this offers the benefit of reducing the target height above crop to below 50 cm. AmaSelect offers the customer the big advantage that, for a nozzle change, they do not have to leave their seat and can switch over to any one of the four nozzles comfortably from the tractor cab.

A favourably priced alternative from AMAZONE in the form of AmaSwitch
Single Nozzle Control in the form of AmaSelect is available in the UX trailed sprayers. For those who do not need the remotely controlled electric switch over between nozzle sizes, but who still want to have 50 cm part-width sections, AMAZONE offers AmaSwitch, a favourably priced alternative, which is available on UF mounted sprayers and the UX trailed sprayers.

Increasingly, growers are adopting these advanced systems because the increased precision allows for reduced chemical use, elimination or reduction of overlap of sprayed areas, the ability to pass over no-spray areas and prevent waterway contamination.

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