The processes which were tested using the equipment included new pasture establishment, over-seeding of existing Kikuyu pastures and over-seeding of maize lands with catch-crop grazing grasses.
The test was conducted using a Massey-Ferguson 7614 90 kW 4×4 tractor, with an Amazone Catros 4003 (4 m) mounted disk harrow, Amazone Greendrill 200, and the Amazone tandem roller assembly. The required application rates ranged from 20 – 50 kg/ha determined by soil conditions, required crop coverage and bulk seed properties. The working depths ranged from ±100 mm up to the maximum available.
New pasture establishment:
For new pastures to be established, tilling and seeding of fallow pasture areas is required and in some cases these pastures had been unused for up to 3 years. Seeding is then undertaken with the chosen grass variety. These lands suffer from compaction and infestation with other weed and plant types. This process conventionally involves ripping and/or harrowing to provide soil aeration and penetration for the planting process. The Amazone Catros and Greendrill combination was successfully used to achieve this process in a single-pass operation. Refer Figure 1: New Pasture Establishment.
Over-seeding of existing Kikuyu pastures:
For this process, detaching and tilling of Kikuyu pastures is required where nutrients have been exhausted. Over-seeding is then done with alternative grass varieties. This process is more usually done using a seed-drill type planter, for which the Amazone Catros and Greendrill combination, offered an impressive alternative in our test. Refer Figure 2: Over-seeding of existing Kikuyu pastures
Over-seeding of maize lands with catch-crop grazing grasses:
Over-seeing of maize involves tilling and re-incorporating the harvested maize stubble, while over-seeding with forage or grazing grasses. Ordinarily rolling occurs to to provide compaction for “seed-to-soil” contact. The Amazone Catros and Greendrill combination was highly effective in this test at achieving this process in a single-pass operation, with the most notable benefit being the absence of weeds, which are smothered due to the turning of the soil during seeding. Refer Figure 3: Over-seeding of maize lands with catch-crop grazing grasses.