The Falcon Haymakers® range has by far the largest share of the haymaking market.
V vs. EV
There are two versions of the intermediate range of Haymaker® implements with 1,5 m and 1,8 m cutting widths: the V (Veld Cutter) and the EV (Extended Veld Cutter). The deck of the EV is ±300 mm wider on the left-hand side than the V equivalent. This design allows for a larger space for the cuttings to move out of the blade path into a windrow. This configuration further reduces the possibility of double chopping and creates a bigger and wider windrow, which assists the baling process. In the case of lucerne and teff (softer grass) we recommend the EV, which is fitted with specially designed high-lift blades (H1460) that create a vacuum which will lift the material and also direct it into a windrow. This will result in a cleaner and more effective cut.
V vs. VH
There are also two versions of the Haymaker® with a 2 m cutting width: the V (Veld Cutter) and the VH (Veld Cutter with Blowermower™ blades). The V is fitted with the standard banana Haymaker® blades and the VH is fitted with Blowermower™ blades. The VH is the ideal implement to cut tufted or heavy grasses, like blue buffalo grass, which tends to lie flat when it gets long. The Blowermower™ blades create a vacuum under the deck which lifts the material, cuts and then directs it into a windrow. This results in a cleaner more effective cut.